Snack Shop Opens Up on Rail Trail
Jul 31, 2020 10:29AM ● By J.D. O’Gara
Some good news is taking place in this time of pandemic. On July 18, the Rail Trail Snack Shop opened up, featuring snacks for both humans and canines. The humans can enjoy some packaged ice cream treats, while dog walkers can treat their pups to biscuits and maybe even nab a few supplies.
“I bought the building right before Covid,” says Ed Daniels, member of the Friends of the Holliston Trail and local business owner, of the 700 square-foot building that was formerly an auto parts store. “I had plans to make it into a shared office. In the meantime, the Rail Trail always had a need for something special like this. I thought I’d give it a shot, take the existing floor plan and use what was here to open up the ice cream shop.” He says the stand will feature “everything you would find on an ice cream truck, so novelty ice creams.” Since the location is zoned for retail space, he says, everything must be packaged for sale.

“We originally wanted to do a walk-up window only, but that was not in the cards for the zoning we have,” Daniels adds.
Daniels partnered with Big Biscuit Bakery, of Franklin, which specializes in baked dog treats.
“They do pet bakery goods, so dog biscuits primarily, all organic and salt-free,” says Daniels.
The entrepreneur has hired some local young people to man the shop for the summer.
“That’s also been another great aspect to this, to find a few people some summer jobs for their first jobs,” says Daniels.
Response in the first week was positive, says Daniels, noting that “especially during Covid, the Rail Trail has really picked up – the numbers of people that are trying to get outside and get some exercise … we had good traffic over the weekend to come inside and check it out. It was a great reception by everyone in townz”.
Daniels adds that the shop will also be doing gently-used bicycle consignment, featuring bikes in useable shape. Ten percent of the sales will benefit the Holliston Rail Trail.
The Rail Trail Snack Shop will be open 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. six days a week, Monday through Saturday and 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. on Sunday.