How to Discuss Estate Planning with Your Family during the Holidays
The holidays are going to look
different this year due to COVID,
but even though families may not
have large in-person gatherings,
they are still a time for family
togetherness. The holidays are
a time for celebration, spending
quality time with loved ones, and
exchanging meaningful gifts. We
know that when it comes to your
children, one of the greatest gifts
you can give them is a legacy to
continue when you are no longer
around. In our practice, we work
with families each day on matters
just like this.
Despite the many benefits of
creating a legacy for your family,
it can be a challenging discussion,
especially during the holiday season. Here are some tips on discussing estate planning with your
1. Plan ahead. Preparation is
important. Set time before
talking with your loved ones
over the holidays to seek the
advice of an estate planning
attorney. Schedule time for
all parties to have the conversation, keeping in mind that
the holidays can be a busy
time. Think about what you
are going to say, what your
wishes are, and what you
hope to achieve through the
discussion. You may consider
how you would like to structure the conversation, for example, whether you will bring
any planning documents with
you to show your children or
supplement the discussion.
2. Be prepared to answer questions. Your family will likely
have many questions, some
of which you may not be prepared to answer. Try to think
of questions your children
may have. If questions arise
that you are not equipped
to answer, let them know
that you hear their questions and concerns and will
address them as soon as you
have answers for them. This
conversation may be overwhelming for your family if
you have not brought up the
topic before. Be prepared for
a variety of emotions from
your family. It is important
that you validate their feelings, but stick to your wishes,
and do not let those emotions
sway you from your plan.
3. Do not hesitate to follow up.
Whether your time with family is virtual or in person this
holiday season, do not wait
too long to check-in with your
family after your conversation
and follow up with questions
you left unanswered. It is important to allow your family some breathing room to
enjoy the remainder of the
holiday season, process the
information you gave them,
and take time to think of additional questions they may
have for you.
We know this can be a difficult conversation to have with
your family. If you questions or
need some more advice about
how to get started, do not hesitate to contact our office to set up
a meeting or attend a webinar. At
Dennis Sullivan and Associates,
we help clients meet their goals
and objectives through a unique
process that combines both education and counseling.
We hope you and your family
have a happy and healthy holiday season.
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