Senior Center News

Tablets for Seniors
Would you like to attend virtual programs and meetings? Have you wanted a tablet but can’t afford one? Do you have a tablet, but aren’t sure how to use an app, such as Zoom? The Senior Center has received a grant from the MetroWest Health Foundation to use technology to help decrease social isolation in seniors.
As part of the grant we will also be hiring a technology assistant to both set up the tablets, and to teach seniors how to use either one of these tablets, or their own tablet. You must have internet service, but if you are low income you may qualify for Comcast low income service for $10.00 per month. Examples of those who qualify would be those qualifying for benefit programs such as MassHealth, Fuel Assistance, or SNAP benefits. For those who qualify for low income internet, through the grant, we can assist you with up to 10 months of payment or through 10/30/21, whichever comes first.
Those receiving tablets must agree to complete a quarterly survey on how they are being used. The tablets are being loaned out, for as long a period as you continue to use them. If you stop using the tablet, we ask that you return it so we can offer it to other seniors. For more information about this, or any other programs, call Bryan at the Senior Center.
Chat with Staff
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10am
Whether you received a tablet from us, have a computer/tablet of your own, or just want to call in, sign up to chat with the staff at the senior center! These will be informal sessions to simply talk with us about anything. WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE anyone who received a tablet from us to try to attend these chats with Zoom!
To sign up, please email Bryan at [email protected] or call him at the senior center at 508-429-0622 x218
Summer Sizzler Drive-By Lunch
Monday, June 21, 2021, noon—$7 Donation
Real Lobster Roll—Whole Belly Clam Roll—your choice! Served with clam chowder, fresh sides and strawberry shortcake! Tuna Roll or Egg Salad can be substituted for those with food allergies.
This will be a drive-by pickup and go event similar to our other holiday drive-by luncheons. You MUST reserve your meal by June 14th in order for us to get your meal ordered. Please sign up early by calling (508) 429-0622
Zumba Gold!
Tuesdays 10:30—11:30 am
ZUMBA IS BACK and our instructor is ready to bring you the same Zumba energy and excitement from the comfort of your own home.
This class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. It will also focus on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance! Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. This class is exercise in disguise.
Suggested $4.00 donation per class; make checks payable to the SSF. Please email our instructor, Lourdes Fournier directly to sign up at [email protected] or call the senior center with any questions at 508-429-0622
Singing For Well Being
2nd and 4th Thursday at 10:30 am
Improve your overall health in these fun and easy, stress-free singing sessions. These one-hour sessions will include:
• Tips for better breathing
• Learning relaxing mindful meditations
• Easy body warm-ups (seated or standing)
• Singing songs from around the world together
• All in the comfort of your own home on Zoom!
The suggested donation is $4 per class and payments should be made to the SSF. Please call ahead to sign up at 508-429-0622
Yoga is a wonderful way to stay limber and get more energy! It can help boost your circulation, stretch and strengthen all your muscles, help you get a good night’s sleep, and relax and de-stress you! Roberta Weiner, a Certified Kripalu and Hatha Yoga teacher who runs the Prana Center in Holliston, will be running these live virtual sessions.
Yoga—Monday & Wednesdays via Zoom, $4 donation per class requested. This is the usual Yoga class that is normally held at the Senior Center. Roberta will be holding her class every Monday and Wednesday morning from 11:00 am—Noon via Zoom.
Pilates will also be held on Zoom!
Thursdays from 9:00 am—10:00 am via Zoom, $4 donation per class requested. Please join Sharon Broadley-Martin as she leads the class to help improve your strength, balance and circulation through a whole-body workout.
Book Club
We welcome you to join us on the second Friday of the month at 1:30 pm to enjoy some interesting titles.
The Holliston Public Library can help you get books for the meetings and will be available for curbside pick up. Call the Library with any questions (508) 429-0617.
Please sign up at the Senior Center (508) 429-0622 to be added to the Zoom meeting. Conference call is also an option for those who do not have internet/camera access.
Java with Jay
Last Thursday Each Month at 9:30am
Enjoy your morning cup of coffee and join Jay for a workshop to learn about different estate planning strategies from the comfort of your own home via Zoom! Each month will feature a different topic and a conversational Q&A for your questions. Advance registration required for the Zoom call-in number/link. Please call the Senior Center at 508-429-0622to sign up!
June Topic: Planning for Blended Families
Legal Hour with Attorney Jay Marsden
Helping clients plan and secure their legacy for future generations.
Attorney Jay Marsden continues to meet with individuals for a complimentary 30-minute consultation. This meeting will be done via Zoom or telephone on the 2nd Tuesday of each month between 10:00 am and noon.
If you would like to schedule an appointment with Jay, please call the Senior Center at (508) 429-0622 to sign up for your personal consultation.
Virtual Seminars with
Attorney Bergeron
Each month, Bergeron will hold a Live Zoom Seminar with Q&A on various topics. Please sign up in advance to get the Zoom invitation. Call the Senior Center to sign up at 508-429-0622!
There are people and resources in your community that can help make that last year as good as can be! In this seminar, we will talk about geriatric care managers, the Medicare hospice benefit, the MassHealth Frail Elder Waiver Program, health care proxies, and MOLST forms.
June 15th at 1 pm: You can’t take it with you, but you can control who gets it!
Learn about the important considerations when deciding on beneficiaries. Learn about proper estate planning documents and appropriate communication with family members and advisors, so you will be able to rest easy knowing your wishes will be met when leaving a gift/legacy to your loved ones.
Legal advice
Legal Advice with Attorney Bergeron
Attorney Bergeron will continue to offer a free 15-minute legal advice through the Senior Center on the 4th Monday of the month from 10 am - 12 pm. You have the option of either talking with him over the phone or virtually using Zoom video conference.
Call the Senior Center at (508) 429-0622 to sign up for your 15-minute meeting with Attorney Bergeron to discuss legal questions or concerns.
Grief and Loss Support Group
Second Tuesday of the Month
June 8th
1:00—2:00 PM
“What is grief, if not love persevering?”
“Vision” from WandaVision by Marvel Cinematic Universe
Join us for friendship and support on the second Tuesday of the month as we learn to live with those we’ve lost and have the opportunity to share our individual journeys. If the weather cooperates and makes it possible to gather in person, outside we may be able to do that so it is very important that you call the Senior Center in advance to register so we can plan accordingly. Call and ask for Marty for more information.
Recognizing the effects of the isolation this pandemic has had on all of us and how difficult it has become for all of us to see family and friends with any regularity, we here at the Senior Center would like to pilot a program to help people stay connected. If you are interested in making a new “phone pal”, please give a call and ask for Marty.
Taxi Rides
We are happy to announce that the Center has received a generous grant from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), to supplement our current transportation program. Through the grant we will be able to provide taxi rides outside of our current service area, including Boston and Worcester areas. We will also be able to offer after hours and weekend rides, within our service area.
To schedule a taxi ride, you must call Marty at least 48 hours in advance. For weekend rides, please call by Thursday afternoon. You will need to provide the exact pick up location and your destination. If the ride is needed for an appointment, we will need the time of your appointment, the time you’d like to be picked up and an estimated return time.
Rides are limited to 4 rides per person per month.
Taxi rides are available through December 31, 2021, or until funds run out, whichever occurs first.
Your local Holliston VFW Post 8507 needs you!!
Join a dynamic group of women and men who are “still serving” veterans and their community by helping those in need and promoting patriotism. For qualification information please email Ron at [email protected].
Council on aging needs help
The Holliston Council on Aging Is seeking expressions of interest from individuals who would like to be considered for appointment to the Council.
The Holliston Council on Aging is anticipating one or more openings, and is seeking candidates who may be interested in serving on the Council. Members are appointed by the Holliston Select Board upon the recommendation of the Town Administrator. Members are charged with working with the Senior Center Director and staff and the community in identifying the needs of Holliston’s senior population, assisting in formulating programs and services to best meet those needs, advocating for necessary resources, and educating town and state leadership and the community of the importance of support for senior programs.
The primary delivery point for senior services is the Holliston Senior Center. The Council works with the Senior Center staff in ensuring the Senior Center is planning and conducting programs and services adequately serving the senior community. The Council serves as advisors and advocates and makes policy recommendations, but does not supervise Senior Center staff. The Council is composed of 7 members, and meetings are held monthly, excepting July, August and January.
Please consider this opportunity to serve your town and its seniors, and those who care for seniors. We would be pleased to provide more in-depth information about the Council and its work.
Expressions of interest may be made to either Lisa Borchetta, Director at the Senior Center, or Bob Malone, Chair of the Council On Aging. Call 508-429-0622!
SHINE — Serving the Health Needs for Everyone
High Prescription Drug Costs? Prescription Advantage May Help!
Prescription Advantage is a state assistance program which may lower the amount you pay for prescription drugs. Members are also allowed to join or change their Medicare drug plan or Medicare Advantage plan. Eligibility is based on income only and there is no asset limit!
Who can join?
For Massachusetts residents eligible for Medicare, Prescription Advantage may provide secondary drug coverage if you are:
65 or older with an annual income at or less than $64,400 for a single person or $87,100 for a married couple OR
Under 65 with a disability, with an annual income at or less than $24,214 for a single person or $32,750 for a married couple.
The SHINE Program can help you apply for Prescription Advantage. Trained SHINE volunteers offer free, confidential counseling on all aspects of Medicare and related health and drug insurance programs. To schedule a SHINE phone appointment, call the Senior Center!
Medicare event
Save the Date: Welcome to Medicare Virtual Event – June 23, 2021
If you’re new to Medicare, this is for you! (register at
***We are providing this information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, recognizing that by the time we go to print, some of this information may be out of date.
Vaccine Information
As you may already know, the State has now switched to a pre-registration system to sign up for a vaccination appointment at a Mass Vaccination Site including: The DoubleTree Hotel-Danvers, Eastfield Mall-Springfield, former Circuit City-Dartmouth, Gillette Stadium, Hynes Convention Center, Natick Mall, The Reggie Lewis Center, and more coming soon. To pre-register, you can go to or call 2-1-1.
They will prioritize your eligibility based on what group you’re in and will call, text, or email you back when an appointment becomes available. Don’t forget, we have a grant to help you get a ride to/from your appointment as well. If you need transportation help, please call the Senior Center once you have a vaccine appointment booked and we can set you up with a ride!
Other Locations: Pharmacies, Grocery Stores, and Health Care Providers are other places to get an appointment. These options have been quite limited due to the limited available supply of the vaccine itself. Please check online or call these places to ask about available appointments.
Vaccine Appointment Assistance
We recognize that there has been a lot of frustration and difficulties setting up appointments to get a vaccine. If you are in a group eligible to receive the vaccine, we are here to help. If you need assistance to schedule an appointment, or guidance on where to start, give us a call as we have staff and volunteers here to help you. If you don’t have anyone who can help you get to an appointment, again, we can help you get to your appointment also.
!!! SCAM ALERT !!!
We are aware that many of you are anxious to get your COVID vaccine, the scammers know that too. If anyone asks you for money, or a credit card to get a vaccine, or to set up an appointment for you, or to otherwise help you get a vaccine, IT IS A SCAM! The vaccine is free, even if you don’t have insurance. Never give out personal information to anyone you don’t know. Although, at some point your Dr.’s office may call you as vaccines become available to them, the large vaccination sites will not call to set up an appointment.
We at the Senior Center will be sending out automated calls providing information and will assist with finding vaccine appointments. The town may also send out automated calls as information becomes available. If you believe you have received a call or email that is a scam, please notify us, the Police Dept., or the State’s Attorney General’s office. If in doubt call us before giving any information out!
Would you like to attend virtual programs and meetings? Have you wanted a tablet but can’t afford one? Do you have a tablet, but aren’t sure how to use an app, such as Zoom? The Senior Center has received a grant from the MetroWest Health Foundation to use technology to help decrease social isolation in seniors.
As part of the grant we will also be hiring a technology assistant to both set up the tablets, and to teach seniors how to use either one of these tablets, or their own tablet. You must have internet service, but if you are low income you may qualify for Comcast low income service for $10.00 per month. Examples of those who qualify would be those qualifying for benefit programs such as MassHealth, Fuel Assistance, or SNAP benefits. For those who qualify for low income internet, through the grant, we can assist you with up to 10 months of payment or through 10/30/21, whichever comes first.
Those receiving tablets must agree to complete a quarterly survey on how they are being used. The tablets are being loaned out, for as long a period as you continue to use them. If you stop using the tablet, we ask that you return it so we can offer it to other seniors. For more information about this, or any other programs, call Bryan at the Senior Center.
Chat with Staff
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10am
Whether you received a tablet from us, have a computer/tablet of your own, or just want to call in, sign up to chat with the staff at the senior center! These will be informal sessions to simply talk with us about anything. WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE anyone who received a tablet from us to try to attend these chats with Zoom!
To sign up, please email Bryan at [email protected] or call him at the senior center at 508-429-0622 x218
Summer Sizzler Drive-By Lunch
Monday, June 21, 2021, noon—$7 Donation
Real Lobster Roll—Whole Belly Clam Roll—your choice! Served with clam chowder, fresh sides and strawberry shortcake! Tuna Roll or Egg Salad can be substituted for those with food allergies.
This will be a drive-by pickup and go event similar to our other holiday drive-by luncheons. You MUST reserve your meal by June 14th in order for us to get your meal ordered. Please sign up early by calling (508) 429-0622
Zumba Gold!
Tuesdays 10:30—11:30 am
ZUMBA IS BACK and our instructor is ready to bring you the same Zumba energy and excitement from the comfort of your own home.
This class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. It will also focus on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance! Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. This class is exercise in disguise.
Suggested $4.00 donation per class; make checks payable to the SSF. Please email our instructor, Lourdes Fournier directly to sign up at [email protected] or call the senior center with any questions at 508-429-0622
Singing For Well Being
2nd and 4th Thursday at 10:30 am
Improve your overall health in these fun and easy, stress-free singing sessions. These one-hour sessions will include:
• Tips for better breathing
• Learning relaxing mindful meditations
• Easy body warm-ups (seated or standing)
• Singing songs from around the world together
• All in the comfort of your own home on Zoom!
The suggested donation is $4 per class and payments should be made to the SSF. Please call ahead to sign up at 508-429-0622
Yoga is a wonderful way to stay limber and get more energy! It can help boost your circulation, stretch and strengthen all your muscles, help you get a good night’s sleep, and relax and de-stress you! Roberta Weiner, a Certified Kripalu and Hatha Yoga teacher who runs the Prana Center in Holliston, will be running these live virtual sessions.
Yoga—Monday & Wednesdays via Zoom, $4 donation per class requested. This is the usual Yoga class that is normally held at the Senior Center. Roberta will be holding her class every Monday and Wednesday morning from 11:00 am—Noon via Zoom.
Pilates will also be held on Zoom!
Thursdays from 9:00 am—10:00 am via Zoom, $4 donation per class requested. Please join Sharon Broadley-Martin as she leads the class to help improve your strength, balance and circulation through a whole-body workout.
Book Club
We welcome you to join us on the second Friday of the month at 1:30 pm to enjoy some interesting titles.
The Holliston Public Library can help you get books for the meetings and will be available for curbside pick up. Call the Library with any questions (508) 429-0617.
Please sign up at the Senior Center (508) 429-0622 to be added to the Zoom meeting. Conference call is also an option for those who do not have internet/camera access.
Java with Jay
Last Thursday Each Month at 9:30am
Enjoy your morning cup of coffee and join Jay for a workshop to learn about different estate planning strategies from the comfort of your own home via Zoom! Each month will feature a different topic and a conversational Q&A for your questions. Advance registration required for the Zoom call-in number/link. Please call the Senior Center at 508-429-0622to sign up!
June Topic: Planning for Blended Families
Legal Hour with Attorney Jay Marsden
Helping clients plan and secure their legacy for future generations.
Attorney Jay Marsden continues to meet with individuals for a complimentary 30-minute consultation. This meeting will be done via Zoom or telephone on the 2nd Tuesday of each month between 10:00 am and noon.
If you would like to schedule an appointment with Jay, please call the Senior Center at (508) 429-0622 to sign up for your personal consultation.
Virtual Seminars with
Attorney Bergeron
Each month, Bergeron will hold a Live Zoom Seminar with Q&A on various topics. Please sign up in advance to get the Zoom invitation. Call the Senior Center to sign up at 508-429-0622!
There are people and resources in your community that can help make that last year as good as can be! In this seminar, we will talk about geriatric care managers, the Medicare hospice benefit, the MassHealth Frail Elder Waiver Program, health care proxies, and MOLST forms.
June 15th at 1 pm: You can’t take it with you, but you can control who gets it!
Learn about the important considerations when deciding on beneficiaries. Learn about proper estate planning documents and appropriate communication with family members and advisors, so you will be able to rest easy knowing your wishes will be met when leaving a gift/legacy to your loved ones.
Legal advice
Legal Advice with Attorney Bergeron
Attorney Bergeron will continue to offer a free 15-minute legal advice through the Senior Center on the 4th Monday of the month from 10 am - 12 pm. You have the option of either talking with him over the phone or virtually using Zoom video conference.
Call the Senior Center at (508) 429-0622 to sign up for your 15-minute meeting with Attorney Bergeron to discuss legal questions or concerns.
Grief and Loss Support Group
Second Tuesday of the Month
June 8th
1:00—2:00 PM
“What is grief, if not love persevering?”
“Vision” from WandaVision by Marvel Cinematic Universe
Join us for friendship and support on the second Tuesday of the month as we learn to live with those we’ve lost and have the opportunity to share our individual journeys. If the weather cooperates and makes it possible to gather in person, outside we may be able to do that so it is very important that you call the Senior Center in advance to register so we can plan accordingly. Call and ask for Marty for more information.
Recognizing the effects of the isolation this pandemic has had on all of us and how difficult it has become for all of us to see family and friends with any regularity, we here at the Senior Center would like to pilot a program to help people stay connected. If you are interested in making a new “phone pal”, please give a call and ask for Marty.
Taxi Rides
We are happy to announce that the Center has received a generous grant from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), to supplement our current transportation program. Through the grant we will be able to provide taxi rides outside of our current service area, including Boston and Worcester areas. We will also be able to offer after hours and weekend rides, within our service area.
To schedule a taxi ride, you must call Marty at least 48 hours in advance. For weekend rides, please call by Thursday afternoon. You will need to provide the exact pick up location and your destination. If the ride is needed for an appointment, we will need the time of your appointment, the time you’d like to be picked up and an estimated return time.
Rides are limited to 4 rides per person per month.
Taxi rides are available through December 31, 2021, or until funds run out, whichever occurs first.
Your local Holliston VFW Post 8507 needs you!!
Join a dynamic group of women and men who are “still serving” veterans and their community by helping those in need and promoting patriotism. For qualification information please email Ron at [email protected].
Council on aging needs help
The Holliston Council on Aging Is seeking expressions of interest from individuals who would like to be considered for appointment to the Council.
The Holliston Council on Aging is anticipating one or more openings, and is seeking candidates who may be interested in serving on the Council. Members are appointed by the Holliston Select Board upon the recommendation of the Town Administrator. Members are charged with working with the Senior Center Director and staff and the community in identifying the needs of Holliston’s senior population, assisting in formulating programs and services to best meet those needs, advocating for necessary resources, and educating town and state leadership and the community of the importance of support for senior programs.
The primary delivery point for senior services is the Holliston Senior Center. The Council works with the Senior Center staff in ensuring the Senior Center is planning and conducting programs and services adequately serving the senior community. The Council serves as advisors and advocates and makes policy recommendations, but does not supervise Senior Center staff. The Council is composed of 7 members, and meetings are held monthly, excepting July, August and January.
Please consider this opportunity to serve your town and its seniors, and those who care for seniors. We would be pleased to provide more in-depth information about the Council and its work.
Expressions of interest may be made to either Lisa Borchetta, Director at the Senior Center, or Bob Malone, Chair of the Council On Aging. Call 508-429-0622!
SHINE — Serving the Health Needs for Everyone
High Prescription Drug Costs? Prescription Advantage May Help!
Prescription Advantage is a state assistance program which may lower the amount you pay for prescription drugs. Members are also allowed to join or change their Medicare drug plan or Medicare Advantage plan. Eligibility is based on income only and there is no asset limit!
Who can join?
For Massachusetts residents eligible for Medicare, Prescription Advantage may provide secondary drug coverage if you are:
65 or older with an annual income at or less than $64,400 for a single person or $87,100 for a married couple OR
Under 65 with a disability, with an annual income at or less than $24,214 for a single person or $32,750 for a married couple.
The SHINE Program can help you apply for Prescription Advantage. Trained SHINE volunteers offer free, confidential counseling on all aspects of Medicare and related health and drug insurance programs. To schedule a SHINE phone appointment, call the Senior Center!
Medicare event
Save the Date: Welcome to Medicare Virtual Event – June 23, 2021
If you’re new to Medicare, this is for you! (register at
***We are providing this information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, recognizing that by the time we go to print, some of this information may be out of date.
Vaccine Information
As you may already know, the State has now switched to a pre-registration system to sign up for a vaccination appointment at a Mass Vaccination Site including: The DoubleTree Hotel-Danvers, Eastfield Mall-Springfield, former Circuit City-Dartmouth, Gillette Stadium, Hynes Convention Center, Natick Mall, The Reggie Lewis Center, and more coming soon. To pre-register, you can go to or call 2-1-1.
They will prioritize your eligibility based on what group you’re in and will call, text, or email you back when an appointment becomes available. Don’t forget, we have a grant to help you get a ride to/from your appointment as well. If you need transportation help, please call the Senior Center once you have a vaccine appointment booked and we can set you up with a ride!
Other Locations: Pharmacies, Grocery Stores, and Health Care Providers are other places to get an appointment. These options have been quite limited due to the limited available supply of the vaccine itself. Please check online or call these places to ask about available appointments.
Vaccine Appointment Assistance
We recognize that there has been a lot of frustration and difficulties setting up appointments to get a vaccine. If you are in a group eligible to receive the vaccine, we are here to help. If you need assistance to schedule an appointment, or guidance on where to start, give us a call as we have staff and volunteers here to help you. If you don’t have anyone who can help you get to an appointment, again, we can help you get to your appointment also.
!!! SCAM ALERT !!!
We are aware that many of you are anxious to get your COVID vaccine, the scammers know that too. If anyone asks you for money, or a credit card to get a vaccine, or to set up an appointment for you, or to otherwise help you get a vaccine, IT IS A SCAM! The vaccine is free, even if you don’t have insurance. Never give out personal information to anyone you don’t know. Although, at some point your Dr.’s office may call you as vaccines become available to them, the large vaccination sites will not call to set up an appointment.
We at the Senior Center will be sending out automated calls providing information and will assist with finding vaccine appointments. The town may also send out automated calls as information becomes available. If you believe you have received a call or email that is a scam, please notify us, the Police Dept., or the State’s Attorney General’s office. If in doubt call us before giving any information out!