Holliston appointments, resignations, donations and more

By Theresa Knapp
In February and March, the Holliston Select Board made several appointments, accepted donations and grants, and took other actions related to town business. Specifically, the board:
Made the following appointments:
• Geoffrey Zeamer to the Community Preservation Commission (expires June 2023)
• Paul Saulnier to the Community Preservation Commission (expires June 2024)
• Stephen Bradford, Walter McGrath and William Withington to the American Legion Memorial Day Committee
• Ronald Turcott, Stanley Feinberg and Charles Jacobs to the VFW Memorial Day (expires June 2022)
• Georgia Papavasiliou from an associate member to a full member of the Council on Aging term (expires June 2023)
Accepted the following donations or grants:
• Ambulance gift in the amount of $1250 in memory of Bobby Bowles
• Fire Department gift of $197.97 from a thankful Washington Street resident
• Downtown Marigold Project donation of $135 to the Community Farm for Learn to Grow class
• Community grant of $500 from Middlesex Savings Bank to Park & Recreation for summer concerts
Took other action:
• Approved the 90-day Temporary Intermunicipal Agreement with the Town of Medway for dispatch support services
• Approved Friends of Trails 5K – 10K to take place on May 15, 2022 starting at Blair Square and ending at Summer Street or Hopping Brook
• Transferred $2,610 from the Agricultural Commission revolving fund to Golf Course Advisory Committee revolving fund for management of community garden plots at Pinecrest
• Disbanded the Town Hall Septage Committee and Stipend Committee