There’s a seat waiting for you at First Congregational!

For the past few years, we’ve been separated from each other, bound tenuously together through streaming and Zoom meetings. Don’t you miss the sense of community you get from worshipping with others in the same building?
At First Congregational Church of Holliston, 725 Washington Street, we foster connection and community. We are a congregation who actively seeks to incorporate the gospel message of love, compassion, and hope into our daily lives. We are diverse in our thinking yet bound by our desire to become more faithful disciples of Jesus and bring His message of inclusivity and joy to God’s creation. There are no creeds you must adhere to in order to feel at home here.
Join us on Sunday, September 11, 2022, for our “Welcome Back Sunday Celebration.” Worship and Sunday School begin at 10:00 AM, and all are invited to stay for the picnic on the Green in front of the church following the service. We are an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. All are welcome!