Fall 2022 Elections information

Vote by mail, vote early in person or vote on Election Day.
Vote by Mail
All registered voters qualify to vote by mail in the fall 2022 elections. Prior to the election, a post card application will be mailed to ALL registered voters, at their mailing address:
APPLY EARLY to allow ample time for processing your application and for the postal services to deliver your ballot to you.
Applications can be returned by pre-paid postage or placed in the drop box near the side entrance Town Hall (703 Washington St).
A signature is required in order to process your application. Questions can be directed to [email protected]
Track Your Application and Ballot
Voters who have applied for a vote by mail ballot may track the status of their application as well as when their ballot was returned to the Town Clerk. Please note that we anticipate a large volume of applications, and request that you allow at least 1 week before checking the status of your application and allow a minimum of 10 days to receive your ballot from the status date of mailing. Inquiries should be sent to [email protected]
Return of Vote by Mail Ballots
Mailed Ballots include a postage pre-paid return envelope that is addressed to the Town Clerk’s Office. You may return your ballot by mail (please see deadlines below) or hand deliver your ballot by placing it in the drop box outside of the side entrance at Town Hall (deadline is close of polls on Election Day).
Ballots can NOT be returned to the polling location on Election Day - they must be returned to the ballot drop box located outside at the side entrance of Town Hall (703 Washington St). Your returned ballot on Election Day will be processed and brought to the polls to be cast by the Town Clerk’s staff.
Voters who receive a vote by mail ballot but have not returned it prior to Election Day may appear to vote in person and cast a ballot on Election Day. Any voter that has returned a vote by mail ballot (or voted early in person) is not permitted to appear to vote in person on Election Day.
Deadlines for ballots to be returned and counted
• November Election -
• Ballots returned in the drop box must be received by 8PM on Nov. 8th.
• Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by Nov. 8thAND received by the Town Clerk by 5PM on Nov. 12th.
Please note that US Postal delivery services are not consistent and can range from 3 to 11 days. We recommend voters return their ballots in the drop box outside of Town Hall by 8PM on Election Day to ensure it is counted.
Vote Early in Person
Early Voting in person will be available for the fall 2022 elections.
An application is not required to vote early in person...just show up and vote!
State Election Early
Voting in Person
Dates: Oct. 22nd – Nov. 4th
Location: Town Hall– 703 Washington Street – Select Board Meeting Room
Vote on Election Day- What you need to know before you go
All Elections are held at the Holliston High School Gym – 370 Hollis Street, Holliston, MA 01746
Polls are open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
Bring an ID – in some cases voters will be required to show an ID
Unenrolled (commonly known as Independent) voters will need to choose which primary ballot type they want to vote on). Voters who are registered in a particular party (Democrat, Republican) MUST take that party ballot type - verify your party enrollment or change your party enrollment
Electioneering During Early Voting in Person
No poster, card, handbill, placard, picture or circular intended to influence the action of the voter shall be posted, exhibited, circulated or distributed within one hundred and fifty feet (150’) of the building entrance door to Town Hall.
FAQ EARLY VOTING by mail or in person:
If I applied for a vote by mail ballot can I appear to vote in person at an early voting site or at the polls on Election Day?
YES - If your vote by mail ballot has not been received back to the Town Clerk’s Office, you may still appear to vote in person at the polls on Election Day or at an early voting site. These voters will be required to complete additional paperwork and will need to show an ID. Should your mail in ballot be received after you voted early in person or at the polls on Election Day that ballot will be rejected and will not be counted.
NO - If a vote by mail ballot has already been received back by the Town Clerk’s Office.
A returned vote by mail ballot is considered cast and you will not be eligible to vote by mail, early in person or in person at the polls on Election Day.
If I vote early in person can I appear to vote in person at the polls on Election Day?
NO - If you appeared to vote early in person your ballot will be considered cast and you will not be eligible to vote by mail, or in person at the polls on Election Day. Voting in Person at the Polls after submitting an early ballot is prohibited as outlined in 950 CMR 4 7.19.
When & how is an early voter’s ballot (by mail or in person) cast?
All vote by mail and early voting in person ballots will be opened and or fed through the tabulators at the polls on Election Day. These ballots will be kept secured, locked, and unexamined until the polls are closed on Election Day.
Day Date Hours
Saturday 10/22 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Monday 10/24 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday 10/25 8:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday 10/26 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday 10/27 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday 10/28 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturday 10/29 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Monday 10/31 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday 11/1 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday 11/2 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday 11/3 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday 11/4 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM