Creating Creative Collaboration

The Senior Center announced a new intergenerational program with older adults from the Holliston Senior Center and a wonderful class of fourth-grade students from Miller Elementary School.
All seniors who sign up will be paired with an elementary student to create a small project that bridges the generational divide.
This collaborative project will focus on cherished and joyful moments, important places, positive childhood experiences and challenges overcome.
“Creation Sessions” will be held at Miller Elementary School on the following Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 1:45. (Seniors will leave at 2pm, after school dismissal)
• Tuesday, Feb. 7
• Tuesday, Feb. 14
• Tuesday, Feb. 28
The Final Showcase where everyone will present what they made with their Elementary “teammates” will be held on Monday, March 6, from 9:30 to 11am at the Holliston Senior Center.
Call the Senior Center for more information: 508-429-0622.