A hot topic – more efficient heating and cooling, with guidance from Pro Comfort Control

Pro Comfort Control’s Ryan McKernan takes pride in delivering heating and cooling solutions tailored to the customer’s home.
Saving money and energy with improved systems, from heat pumps to furnaces, boilers, and air conditioners
By Linda Chuss
Contributing Writer
Everyone seems to be grumbling about heating costs these days, as energy prices have been rising quickly. There is also considerable talk of reducing energy usage in buildings to alleviate climate change, along with financial incentives towards that aim. Advertisements point to newer technologies, like heat pumps and improvements to traditional systems. But changes mean consumers need to learn about the new options, and the information can be confusing.

The professionals at Pro Comfort Control bring their expertise in heat pumps and all facets of heating and cooling systems to the Holliston community.
Pro Comfort Control’s Ryan McKernan is helping homeowners and light commercial building owners find the right solution for their situation. With over 20 years of experience, he brings impressive expertise and provides the personal attention needed to properly design and install it.
“I come from a family of tradesmen. As a teen, I started working with my uncle, a plumber, and my father a well-known local builder.” McKernan has roots in the community, living in and serving Holliston and surrounding towns.
“Right now, people are most interested in heat pumps, an extremely efficient and more environmentally friendly way to heat and cool your home,” McKernan explained. “Customers regularly ask how they can limit their dependency on fossil fuels and go green. We take the extra time to educate them so they can make knowledgeable decisions. For each customer, we complete a comprehensive evaluation of their home and provide the best recommendations tailored to them.”
Homes with central air have a ducted system, so Pro Comfort Control typically suggests a ducted solution using forced-air heat pumps. However, in older homes or those with structural limitations, the solution might be to install ductless heat pumps. Pro Comfort Control could recommend high efficiency boilers or furnaces based on the specific configuration of the home. “Tailoring the recommendation to the home is part of what differentiates us,” said McKernan.
Customers appreciate Pro Comfort Control’s individualized focus, as well as their responsiveness and commitment to quality. Paul Olson of Framingham, who used Pro Comfort Control to install a heat pump, furnace, and hot water heater said, “I knew right away when getting an estimate that Pro Comfort was different. With other contractors it was more of a cookie-cutter approach. Ryan knew exactly what made the most sense and how to do it. We went from ‘This needs to be done’ to ‘Wow! I’m really glad we did this!’”
Pro Comfort Control even does a full walkthrough after installation. “We explain how their system works, the maintenance needed, and the benefits,” McKernan related. “People are surprised by our passion for quality and the attention they receive. That’s gratifying to us.”
Another way Pro Comfort Control exceeds expectations is by guiding customers through the financial incentives. Mass Save offers a 0% heat loan, post installation rebates up to $10,000, and up to $2,000 in tax credits, all with stipulations. To obtain the heat pump incentives, a customer needs to use a certified Mass Save Heat Pump installer, which Pro Comfort control is.
For more information or to discuss your home project, contact Pro Comfort Control at 508-955-4PRO or [email protected]. Services include oil, gas, and electric solutions for water heaters, furnaces, boilers, A/C and heat pumps.
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