Holliston KofC Basketball Free Throw Competition State Winners

Katie Joslin -1st Place 14 Yr Old Girls Competition (Katie with her dad and Council Youth Director Don Marden)
Little did they know it at the time, but three youths from Holliston would be among the top winners in the Knights of Columbus 2023 Annual Free Throw Competition.
In January, St. Mary’s of Holliston Knights of Columbus Council #14224 hosted the annual local competition at the Holliston High School gymnasium which was open to all girls and boys ages 9 through 14.

Danika Rosano – 2nd place 10 Yr Old Girls Competition (Danika with State Program Director Mike Kerrigan)
54 boys and girls competed here in Holliston, the second highest number of athletes participating in the thirteen years the Council has hosted the event. The top 12 winners (a boy and girl from each age bracket) were awarded trophies and certificates at a celebration here in February.
They then advanced to the District Level competition against the winners from other area towns. Those winners went on to the Regional Competition which whittled down the number of competitors even more. The Regional winners advanced to the State Finals held early in April.
Holliston players really showed their skills in the finals. Three of them finished among the very top.
Danika Rosano came in Second in the 10-Year-Old Girls competition.
And two more – Katie Joslin and Jack McDonald both became State Champions in the Age 14 brackets for girls and boys!
Council Youth Coordinator Don Marden praised all the kids who participated, especially Danika, Katie, and Jack for their outstanding shooting and sportsmanship under pressure.
Council Grand Knight Al Scaramella said he was very proud of all those who played, congratulating everyone who participated, especially the three who finished so well. He hopes even more of our Holliston youths will join in the fun next year.