Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors Announce the 2023 Grant Recipients

The HNN Community Investment Committee is pleased to announce the 2023 HNN Community Grant Fund Recipients!
Holliston Public Library - Museum Passes to Boston Children’s Museum, New England Aquarium, Museum of Fine Arts and Ecotarium
Holliston Parks & Recreation - Summer Concerts in the Park
Holliston Police Department - One Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
A goal of the Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors is to give back to our community. One of the ways this is accomplished is in the form of grants. The HNN Community Grant Fund money is raised during the various fundraising activities held throughout the year. The 2022 fundraising events that contributed to the 2023 HNN Community Grant fund were Prize A Day for the Month of May Calendar Raffle, Touch-A-Truck, Great Pumpkin Trail Walk and Gingerbread House Decorating. HNN wishes to thank all those that attended these events as well as the volunteers who organized them.
If you would like to join us in making a difference in our community, check us out at hollistonnewcomers.org. HNN - Building Friendships, Building Community