Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors Start a New Year

It’s September! And that means a new membership year for Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors (HNN). HNN is a not-for-profit civic and social organization that brings friends & neighbors from Holliston and the surrounding communities together. We were back up to full speed last year and were able to not only give back to our community but also get together with many social events.
Through our donation drives, we were able to contribute to gift cards for Thanksgiving and Easter Baskets for the Holliston Pantry Shelf as well as providing Thanksgiving meals to close to 70 seniors delivered right to their door. Our fundraising efforts ramped back up as well. With our Great Pumpkin Rail Walk, Gingerbread House Decorating, Prize A Day Calendar Raffle and Touch-A-Truck Fundraisers, we were able to support the Parks & Recreation’s Summer Concerts at Goodwill Park, four museum passes at the Holliston Public Library and one Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for the Holliston Police Department.
But HNN is not all work and no play! The books read through our monthly Book Club were not only interesting but it is fun just to get together for an evening with friends and great conversation. Other events throughout the year included a trip to a trampoline park and trick-or-treating with the residents of Mission Springs for the young ones. And for the adults - there were dinners at Mexico City Taqueria and Yama Fuji, get-togethers for Halloween, the Holidays and a Kentucky Derby Party, plus visits to local businesses like Bird and Bear Collective and Ocean Dreams Market Place for informative workshops.
HNN is a great way to connect with your community so check us out and become a member at hollistonnewcomers.org/members. We look forward to more get-togethers, giving back and fundraising this coming year so join us and join the fun!
Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors - Building Friendships, Building Community