Select Board approves one-way entrance from Washington St. to parking area behind buildings at Green St. and Washington St
The Holliston Select Board has approved a one-way entrance near 777 Washington Street to the parking lot behind businesses at the corner of Washington and Green Streets. Source:
By Theresa Knapp
At its meeting on Aug. 28, the Select Board voted to accept the recommendation of the PARE Corporation and Public Safety to “create a one-way entrance from Washington Street, adjacent to the Superette #777, to the parking area behind the businesses at the corner of Green Street and Washington Street (Route 16/126) to be an egress to the Green Street traffic signal and Washington Street where traffic may turn in either direction.”
Holliston Facilities Manager James Keast said, with this change, traffic heading westbound on Washington Street can turn right into the Superette parking lot, or they could also access the new municipal parking lot (the former 9 Green St. building) which is in the same area.
When leaving the parking lot, they would exit onto Green Street and when at the signal at Washington Street, could turn in either direction.
“It really is the safest way to exit that lot,” said Town Administrator Travis Ahern.
The one-way pattern will go into effect with the substantial completion of the municipal parking lot located at 9 Green Street which is in a holding pattern as it waits for Eversource to complete its work.
Town officials, including Holliston Police Department, will work with area businesses to mitigate impacts to deliveries of goods and materials; and the town will “revisit the success or potential needs for change to the traffic pattern within two years, if not requested sooner by the impacted parties, and solicit feedback from the businesses in the area prior to this reevaluation,” according to the motion read by board clerk Ben Sparrell.
The town will assume regular maintenance of the area and will be responsible for snow and ice removal.