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Holliston - Local Town Pages

Year-long celebration culminates with birthday cake and singing

By Theresa Knapp 

The Town of Holliston was incorporated on Dec. 3, 1724, and its current residents have just concluded a year-long celebration of its 300 years. 

Throughout 2024, Celebrate Holliston organized several activities including:Arbor Day 300th Tree Dedication 


300th Celebration Parade

Strawberry Festival

4th of July Laser Show 

Olde Time Baseball Tournament

Day at the Lake

Family Movie Night at The Park 

300th Horse Show 

Celebrate Holliston Field Day

Revolutionary War-era military encampment and demonstrations of camp life

On Nov. 30, the list of events culminated with the Holiday Stroll downtown and 300th Birthday Celebration at Jordan Hall. At 2 p.m., the community gathered around a large sheet cake to sing “Happy Birthday” and blow out the candles that illuminated the “Holliston 300th Celebration” logo. 


Select Board Vice Chair Benjamin Sparrell said “Happy Birthday Holliston” and Town Administrator Travis Ahern cut the cake.