SEPAC Gives Back

The mission of the Holliston Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is to provide education, information and support to parents/guardians and the broader community on special education issues and services; to establish a better understanding of, respect for and support of special education, collaborating with the Holliston Public School District in order to advocate for students’ needs under Massachusetts Special Education Law.
Holliston SEPAC Purpose
• To promote a network of parent / guardians of children with disabilities and provide a forum to share information, discuss pertinent issues and share tools and resources.
• To promote better understanding and communication between parents / guardians with children receiving special education services from the Holliston Public School District and the District.
• To advise the Holliston Public School District including the School Committee, Superintendent and Special Education Director on operations and development of special education programs, parent and teacher training needs and policy development.
• To promote communication, understanding, acceptance and inclusion within the community.
• To provide and promote informational and educational opportunities for the community on topics related to special education.
• To encourage a community commitment to quality education for all children and to support diversity within the educational setting.
• To coordinate and implement activities, fundraising and community service events and educational workshops to benefit the special education community.
Holliston SEPAC Gives Back
What is it?
An annual grant for families of children that receive special education or support services through Holliston Public Schools. Holliston Public School staff who provide these services may also apply.
How does it work?
Parents or caregivers of Holliston Public School students receiving special education or support services can apply for grant money based on a specific need or item that student may need. Holliston Public School staff providing these services can also apply for grant money for a specific item for a classroom or for a student. Grants can range from $25-$200 per family or classroom.
How do I apply?
Look for an announcement on Facebook in early November with all the details of how to apply for a grant.
“Like” us on Facebook at “Holliston SEPAC” and get details of upcoming events!
Email us at [email protected] for questions or information.
Holliston SEPAC Board Meetings
Open to the whole community!
Zoom on Mondays at 7pm
Nov 8, 2021
Dec 13, 2021
Jan 10, 2022
Feb 14, 2022
Mar 14, 2022
Apr 11, 2022
May 9, 2022
Jun 13, 2022